Access Card Application

Note: Failure to supply ALL details below will delay access or cause refusal. It may take 3 working days to process this application. 

1. Training - Five on-line courses:

2. Details of Access Type(s) Requested:

3. All Cardholder/Requestor Details:

4. Who will pay the car parking fee:

5. Employer and Cardholder agree to License Conditions:

6. General Conditions & Responsibilities

7. Staff Car Park Access License Conditions & Responsibilities:

8. Information & Privacy:

1. Access rights are granted at the discretion of Auckland International Airport Ltd ("Auckland Airport") upon presenting a valid Airport ID Card and may be restricted, suspended or terminated by Auckland Airport at its discretion at any time.
2. Applicants must comply with all of Auckland Airport's safety, security and procedure standards and rules, as prescribed from time to time.
3. The Applicant agrees to comply with and be bound by Auckland Airport's Airport Workers' Rules ("Rules") available on Auckland Airport's website, including, without limitation, section 1.5 of the Rules relating to the granting of access and section 3 of the Rules relating to airside area. By signing this form, using an access card or accessing a car park, the Applicant agrees that they have read and understood the Rules.
4. Applicants are required to be photographed and that photo and other personal information and records of use of a card will be uploaded to the Applicant's profile in the Auckland Airport security database. All information in that database may be used for reasons in relation to the card or access-controlled entry points or car parks.
5. A card fee may be charged for manufacturing and handling. Lost, stolen or damaged cards may incur a replacement fee. If for any reason a valid card does not operate you will received a replacement card free of charge on production of the faulty card.
6. Before access is assigned or renewed, Applicants must successfully complete acceptable training for Airport Watch, Airport Biosecurity Awareness, Airport Destination Zero Harm, Airport Fire Awareness, Airport Workers' Rules, Acceptable training courses are those by either the Applicant's employer or a third-party trainer, provided that the course is AIAL-approved and/or Regulator-approved (i.e., CAA, Avsec or MPI), or training courses run by the Regulator itself, or the appropriate Auckland Airport on-line course (see paragraph 1.5 of the Rules for further detail). Documented proof of successful completion of all courses will be required. Applicants must complete these requirements every 18 months to ensure ongoing compliance and validity of your access control card. The Applicant is responsible for staying up to date with this training. Failure to comply with these may result in your access card being cancelled without notice.
7. Auckland Airport may change these conditions at any time without notice.

1. Some of Auckland Airport's car parks require the use of an access card to lift the barrier arm and enter. Others use license plate recognition technology and do not require a card. Auckland Airport will advise the Applicant whether an access card is required or not upon the relevant application being granted.
2. Applicants' vehicles are used and parked in the car parks entirely at their own risk in every respect. Applicants shall have no rights or claims whatsoever against Auckland Airport, it's staff, agents or contractors, arising in respect of the use of the car parks.
3. The licence to use and access a car park may be terminated by either party at any time with or without notice.
4. Each Applicant's license will give them access to one carpark area only.
5. Staff car park licence fees are as follows, per person, effective 01 December 2023 (note that available spaces are not guaranteed):
     a) Bronze: $1,012.80 per annum + GST (Park & Ride car parks).
     b) Silver: $1,237.51 per annum + GST (DTB Silver for Domestic).
     c) Gold: $1,433.19 per annum + GST (Staff Gold ITB).
6. Annual fees are payable to Auckland Airport monthly in arrears. No refunds or credits will be issued for early termination part-way through a billing month. An administration fee of $40 incl GST is also charged for every new or replacement card to cover manufacturing and handling costs. If for any reason a valid car park card does not operate you will receive a replacement card free of charge upon production of the faulty card.
7. Please note that Auckland Airport reserves the right to review these fees at any time without notice.
8. Default interest will accrue on any overdue amounts, calculated on a daily basis at Auckland Airport's commercial overdraft rate plus 5% per annum from the due date as specified on the invoice until the overdue amount is paid in full.
9. If issued, car park cards must be returned immediately on termination of the licence.
10. The Applicant shall:
     a) Always park their vehicle in such area(s) as directed by Auckland Airport.
     b) If a card is issued for access to the car park, not damage or misuse the card in any way, lend it or otherwise let it out of their possession, it being for their personal use only. Applicants may be required to be photographed and that photo and other personal information and records of use of the card will be uploaded to the Applicant's profile in the Auckland Airport database. All information in that database may be used for reasons in relation to car park cards and car parks.
     c) Swipe the card every time they enter and exit car park(s) - TAILGATING is PROHIBITED.
     d) Not leave trolleys in car parks, but return it/them to the trolley parks provided.
     e) Indemnify their employer & Auckland Airport in respect of any claim whatsoever arising from use of any car parks or any card.
     f) Not park on yellow lines, concrete or gravel islands, grass verges or anywhere not marked as a car park space unless specifically asked to do so by Auckland Airport management.
     g) Not use car parks for private business. For use only when on duty.
     h) Keep personal details and car registration(s) up-to-date with your employer and Auckland Airport.
11. If a card is issued for access to the car park, the Applicant and/or Employer shall:
     a) Pay Auckland Airport on demand the cost of replacing a damaged, stolen or lost card.
     b) Notify Auckland Airport of any loss, theft, damaged or unauthorized use of any coded card.
     c) Keep records of which employee holds which number, numbered card, and car registration(s), and notify Auckland Airport of changes.
12. Failure to comply with any condition above may result in:
     a) immediate revocation of car park access; and/or
     b) immediate towing of the relevant vehicle at the owner's or employer's expense.
13. Auckland Airport reserves the right to cancel staff parking access if a card remains inactive for a continuous period of 3 months or more. It is the responsibility of the Applicant/Employer to notify Auckland Airport if staff parking is not required over this duration.
14. Auckland Airport may change car park locations at any time by giving no less than two weeks' notice to the Applicant and/or employer (or shorter period if two weeks' notice is not possible).
15. Auckland Airport may change these conditions at any time without notice.

1. The Applicant's personal information provided in this application form, or otherwise collected by Auckland Airport as a result of use of, or in connection with access or an access card, is being collected and will be used, stored and disclosed only in accordance with applicable privacy laws and Auckland Airport's Privacy Policy (available at
2. In addition to any rights of disclosure set out in applicable privacy laws and Auckland Airport's Privacy Policy, the Applicant expressly agrees that Auckland Airport may disclose the Applicant's personal information provided in this application form, or otherwise collected by Auckland Airport in connection with any access or use of an access card, to all other Auckland Airport business partners or stakeholders in order to meet and protect the legitimate business needs of Auckland Airport, including any third party security or carpark-related service providers.
3. The Applicant also expressly consents to Auckland Airport discussing with the Applicants employer, or any relevant government or private agency if necessary (including for the purposes of carrying out a criminal record check or NZ Police Vetting), any aspect of this application form, the use of a card by the Applicant, or any other matter whatsoever that may arise as a result of, or is otherwise related to, the Applicant's access and use of a card.
4. Both the Applicant and the Applicant's employer agree to comply with any request for information from Auckland Airport in relation to the access granted pursuant to this application form.